
Alberto Reguera: des nouvelles de Singapour

Alberto Reguera expose en ce moment à Singapour, dans un des lieux les plus prestigieux: Sculpture Square.
il nous a envoyé quelques nouveaux articles publiés à cette occasion.

L.Lenzi dans "TIME OUT" of Singapore a écrit :" We say "buenos dias" to AlbertoReguera and his new stunning collection.This exhibition explored themultiple faceted painter' s scultural techniques ,heavly influenced bymusic and culture(he is afther all, in Spaniard)...Reguera adopts aninstallation showcase for his inaugural visit to Singapore,, in a tourthat will subsequently travel to Paris and Lisbon"

Parvathi Nayar dans "THE BUSINESSTIMES" écrit "paintings that are also sculptures are what Spanish artist promises in"Beyond Form", his inaugural exhibition in Singapore's Sculpture Square....."he takes into account the colour, pigment and texture.. the artis(wholives beteween Paris and Madrid) says he sees each of these grouping as"families of physical volumes"

Quelques oeuvres de Reguera sont exposées à la galerie dans l'accrochage de groupe jusqu'au 1er décembre.

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